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Chestermere Minor Hockey


With evaluations beginning, the CMHA Board thought a little Evaluation’s FAQ sheet would prove useful to new members and those returning that have questions about the process.

Who does the evaluations?
The Operations Director in conjunction with the Division Coordinators are responsible for organizing evaluations. This season all coaches and assistant coaches who have applied will be invited to conduct evaluations for the divisions they will be coaching.
How does the evaluation process work?
The evaluators (coaches and assistant coaches) will observe the players over the course of 1 skills evaluation and 3 games. They will each independently score the players on a variety of skill sets, such as skating ability, game play, etc… Evaluators are not allowed to score their own child in the interest of fairness.
How are the scores used?
After each evaluation, the scores are given to the Operations Director and along with the Division Coordinator, all scores are entered into the software. The software will then rank the players from top to bottom calculated from all the scores collected for that evaluation for that player.
How are teams formed?
Based on the scores received, the top certain number of players are assigned to the 1 team. Then the coaching staff is shown the next number of players, affectionately referred to as the “interface players”.
It is the coach’s job to fill out their roster from this group of players. Typically the coaches will look at the team’s requirements and the best case scenario for the players. This will continue until the 1 team is full and then the process repeats itself with team 2, team 3 and so on. The number of players in this process depends on the expected team size based on registration numbers.
Are goalies evaluated the same way?
Goalies are evaluated in much the same way although they also have a goalie specific skills ice in which they will be evaluated. Sometimes it is difficult to see all of a goalie’s strengths in a game scenario if they don’t get enough shots or they get too many shots, so the skill ice time is used to help the evaluators. Goalies in each division are ranked from top to bottom when there are enough goalies in the division for teams to have 2 goalies the coach will be given their first goalie then allowed to choose their second from the next 2 ranked goalies.
What role does the Divisional Coordinator have?
Divisional coordinators are here to coordinate the evaluation ice times and handle any concerns one may have. They have no role in placing children on certain teams; they are only the representative that is responsible for letting all the players know which team they end up on. They don’t evaluate nor score any players in the division they are directing.
Is this different than other years?
A little bit yes. Last year we formed an evaluation review committee which consisted of some very experienced coaches and board members.  We met several times and worked together to review and make some clarifications as well as small improvements to the evaluation process and policies.  There were 2 notable changes.  The schedule has been spread out slightly to allow for the players to rest as well as those involved in the process to have adequate time to carefully do their jobs and have time to address ongoing concerns during the process.  We have also reintroduced a skills session at all age levels, as the coaches felt this provides them with more and relevant data about the players.  Please see the current Evaluation policy on the website for more information on the evaluation process.



CMHA Evaluation Guidelines are provided below. To view, please click on the link.

2013 Evaluation Policy


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